25 November 2019

The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) was signed between Dasho Dzongdag and Dasho Dzongrab, AFD Head and  between Dasho Dzongdag and the Sector Heads on November 25th, 2019 in the Dzongkhag Conference Hall. 

The AUP document outlines the acceptable and unacceptable uses of network or the internet by the users. The AUP document was developed by the Dzongkhag ICT Sector as part of their ICT common IWP activities and targets for FY 2019-2020.

The Output "Development of the AUP document in the Dzongkhag" achieves the overall  Objective   "To enable effective and efficient ICT Service Delivery".


AUP document signing between Dasho Dzongdag and Sector Heads